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How many mesh underwear do you need after childbirth? You won’t regret the inventory

For many people, the term “mesh underwear” is reminiscent of a series of very specific memories. For me, this is a hospital room in Lower Manhattan, and finally my baby is full of strength, exhaustion, exultation, anxiety. My body is very tender due to childbirth, I am afraid of using the bathroom. But I am wearing mesh underwear, they are a grace to save. If you are preparing for childbirth, you may want to know how many mesh underwear you need, let us say you can’t have too much.

For unfamiliar mesh underwear, it looks like boy shorts made of net, they are very comfortable. They are high-waisted, gently embracing your postpartum abdomen (because you still look pregnant for 5 months after giving birth), and they are specifically designed to hold those huge postpartum pads in place. Yes, there will be bleeding – you can use one of them to tell you something about childbirth. Fortunately, these magical mesh underwear are completely dazzling disposables. If you leak (and you will), you can simply peel them off and discard them without hesitation.

However, it should be noted that although these mesh underwear will feel like a gift for a post-natal fairy, this fairy is a bit awkward. Unlike the bottles and mats around me, I seem to be swimming in the hospital, and I got a mesh underwear throughout my hospital stay. Although that time was very vague, I didn’t think I was sent home. To be on the safe side and make sure you have enough of these comfortable disposable underwear when coming home from the hospital, it is a good idea to purchase extra. We all heal at different speeds, but you can at least expect you to experience at least 3-5 days a day for a few days.

You can find quite a few affordable options on Amazon, and many are included, so you can easily get 10 at a time. You can search for “Pregnant Women’s Mesh Underwear” or “Incontinence Underwear” because many are designed for both situations.

The cool thing is that these post-natal lingerie are starting to become more normal. This is partly due to Chrissy Teigen’s now infamous “Asian Pear” Instagram post, which is an Asian pear package while imitating mesh shorts, a metaphor from a compatriot mother, and a funny talk show comedian, Ali Wong knocked on her wife in her special Netflix show.

There is even a popular label on social media, “#meshundies”, the new mother put on hospital underwear, including actress Kristen Bell and her beloved husband Dax Shephard. Mesh underwear is a very real part of postpartum life, and I like it is now considered a badge of honor.

There is even a lively meme that says, “You will never forget the nurse who helped you put the ice bag in the mesh panties,” I don’t think there is anything more real.