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An underwear addict who spends £2,600 a year on lace clothing reveals the unusual passion of her troubles at work.

A self-proclaimed underwear addict spent more than £2,600 on a beautiful lace bra and shorts, suggesting that her unusual passion sometimes caused her to get into trouble at work.

Ellie Hatfull, 27, said she was fascinated by underwear from an early age and now has about 150 collections.


Her “addict” began because her work had strict dress code, which meant she couldn’t express herself through everyday basic fashion.

Instead, she began wearing incredible underwear under her regular overalls.

In an interview with Mail Online, she said: “No one will see it, but wearing what I think is true to myself will make me feel good.

“When I buy underwear, including casual wear and accessories, I incorporate them into my jacket to get the most value from every item.”

But Ellie, who lives in Sydney, Australia, admits that her unusual passion sometimes makes her trouble at work.

Wrote on her blog, she said: “Management comes from and comments on how inappropriate my equipment is.

“Some of the content is inconsistent with ‘underwear’ is ”I can see your bra’ is not the company’s atheism’.

“Okay, I will remember tomorrow…”

Ellie shares her passion for Instagram and her blog on behalf of Lace and Haze, and now she has more than 41,000 fans.