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The man was designated as the owner of the underwear company to obtain nude photos of women


The police arrested a resident of Tirat Carmel in Haifa District on Sunday for committing a sexual offence behind a Instagram account of a fraudulent underwear company.

The case was subjected to a secret investigation for several months and it was suspected that the 29-year-old man was guilty of sexual offences and impersonated crimes and fraud.

The police suspected that for about a year, the man opened an Instagram business page that appeared in an existing underwear company, changing only a letter from the real company name to Hermosa Israel to Hermos Israel.

Then, he pretended to be the business owner in the name of “Natalie” and turned to women in their 30s and 30s who found and tempted them to send him intimate photos on Instagram. He used this as an excuse to convince them that assessing their “fitness” for advertising is a professional requirement.

The suspect allegedly promised to provide thousands of shekels with financial compensation and other benefits to the women who were victims of his scam.

The Israeli police identified a pattern of suspects’ behavior through a large number of complaints they received nationwide, including complaints from real business owners who received a request to ask her about the event and about Natalie. Complaint. Exist in real business.

The cyber forces in the Central District of the Israeli Police used their best techniques to expose the suspect and track his actions. During the arrest on Sunday morning, the police searched his home and seized various storage devices he owned.

The police provided screenshots of several conversations between the suspect and the victim.

One of the contents is as follows: “Hey, I am very happy to meet you. I am Natalie. I am following you. I must say that you are very good. I am very happy to work with you. I will shoot the winter catalog with you and pay for it.”

The lady’s response was to thank Natalie for the quotation and compliments, and asked for more details. The suspect responded: “Of course, dear, you are gorgeous. I will explain. I have two stores where I can wear swimsuits, underwear. And pajamas, the third store will be open on the way within three weeks, I am shooting the perfect winter catalog for the store, not Facebook and the day shooting 3 – 4 hours, I pay 1500 per day, of course you get all The picture serves as a gift.”

Another screenshot shows that he asked women to take nude photos and promised to remove them immediately. When a woman refuses, he will answer, “Okay, don’t force haha. But this is a problem. Sorry, dear, I really want to move on. I know you too.”

Another screenshot of the conversation shows that he asked for a nude photo and a series of deleted messages that seemed to have forced his request; he replied that he asked for a closer shot and the other angle came from a different angle.

The police are scheduled to take him to the Acre Magistrates’ Court on Monday afternoon, requesting an extension of remand.