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Brett Kavanaugh’s Yale Frat attacked the female student room on campus, parade bra and underwear

According to a new report from Yale Daily News, in the first year of Yale University, the troubled Supreme Court nominee Brett Cavano joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon Brotherhood, whose culture “is notorious for not respecting women” Shown.”

Julie Klein graduated with Kavanaugh in 1987. He described the fraternity as “Animal House,” and another student at Kavanaugh, Jennifer Lew, recalled on the YaleWomen Facebook page that the Brotherhood Brotherhood “ransed” the woman during class. The student’s room “Yale Daily News” reported and stole “underwear”.

On Thursday, the student newspaper published a photo of the Kavanaugh DKE brotherhood brothers in January 1985, which featured the banner of women’s underwear and bras marching on campus. According to reports, Kavanaugh was a second-year member of the Brotherhood, but did not appear in the picture.

Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a party in high school. He denied the allegations, and various defenders claimed that nothing in his role indicated that he would attack the then 15-year-old Ford in the early 1980s.

According to Yale Daily News, Kavanaugh’s supporters include a female Yale classmate in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee on August 30. The letter sent a letter to Kavanaugh respecting women and supporting female athletes.

But a few days after the DKE underwear flag parade, Yale University student Rachel Eisler said in a letter to the Yale Daily News Editor that the banquet’s antics were meant to “devalue women.”

In 1986, Yale graduate Eisler wrote that if any man’s underwear is included in the mixture, she would ask one of the people with the “flag” pole.

According to the Yale Daily News, Eisler said that he told her that he thought that any “man’s stuff” would not be part of the flag, but maybe “your underwear may be here!” the letter said.

According to reports, a team member said that a group member carrying a banner of underwear recalled that the underwear and bra were “obtained from women.”

“I am almost certain that any women’s underwear will come from… Women know that they are willing to donate them at will,” Steve Gallo, who attended class in 1988, told the store.

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